Sunday, November 21, 2004


So I played laser tag tonight at the largest laser tag facility in the country. It is a LaserQuest establishment in Spokane, WA. It was like the LQ in Rockford times 3. And it had more than three stories. It had many ins and outs and facets. I got second place, that's cool I guess.

So what's new in my neck of the woods. So the last couple of days we've been in Silverdale and Odessa, WA. In Silverdale we met up with this cool Aussi named Shane who we met when we past through there about a month ago and he took us to a restaurant called Wankers Corner. And there was a very suggestive picture of a kangaroo getting a handful of peanuts out of his front pouch. I laughed, I'll admit it.

Odessa was cool. A really small town. I went twice in the same day to the same restaurant for 25 cent bottomless coffee. And I also decide that the name Odessa was a very pretty name. While at the church in Odessa we sang a sing-a-long song called "I Lean" (which is funny considering my sister's last post). And the way the song works is the leader goes "Who's side are you leaning on" and everyone else responds "leaning on the Lord's side" And then finally everyone says "I lean I lean I lean I lean, leaning on the Lord's side" etc. Then you pick different things to do "On the Lord's side" like clap, sing, dance, jump, stomp, twirl (just to name a few). We usually let the kids pick a few and this kid picked "twitch" and with out thinking about how it would look we went with it. Well it looked pretty bad as a crowd full of people were twitching you can imagine, like we were making fun of retarded people or something. In fact, one kid joked after that and said "Terrets on the Lord's side." Then an adult suggested "root" as in rooting for a team. So we went with it. Our group had a hard laugh afterward because in Australia rooting is to have sex with someone. In fact the Aussies always crack up during the 7th inning stretch when we sing "It's root root root for the home team."

Anyway, that's all I got for now.

in Christ,

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

What's the worst part of eating a vegetable?

...The wheelchair

So we were telling jokes of that nature all last night in the team van. Thx sam for coming up with some good ones. Here are a couple more:

  • So there are two naked statues in a city park. One male one female, adam and eve stle. They do their statue thing for like 50 years or something. An angel comes down and says, "You two have been such good statues these past years, as a reward I'm going to grant you both 30min of life." So the angel saps them into real human beings. The guy looks at the girl and says, "so...ah, you wanna?" She's like, "heck yes." So they go back into the bushes and there's some rustling going on and they come back out. The angels still there and says to them, "You only used 15min just now, you still have 15min left." So the girl says to the guy, "You wanna do it again?" And the guy says, "Sure, but this time YOU hold the pigeon while I crap on it."

  • St. Peter gets sick so he decides to call on Jesus to take over manning the pearly gates for him. Jesus is like, "Sure Peter, I can hook you up." So it's kinda a dull day in heaven, not many people dying. Then an old man comes up to the gates. Jesus says, "Why dost thou think I should let thee into heaven." The old man says, "I dunno, I don't really remember much of my life." Jesus says, "Well what do you remember?" The old man says, "I was a carpenter and I had a great son." Jesus softens a bit and says tentatively, "Father?" The old man says, "Pinocchio?"

    Well that's good enough for now. If anyone has some jokes they should totally share them.

    So I have a rather unfortunate correction to my last post. Apparently my friend emily left out the crucial word "swallow" when she told me that 100 people die a year from ball point pens. But hey, I love the imagination that you all have.

    So I think it's settled that I'm going to stay at this online address until at least the end of the year. Although I agree with everyone who thinks it should be "frickin."

    Dan you have peaked my interest. I gotta try this new Pepsi out, esp. if it slightly resembles Crystal Clear Pepsi. I'm still pissed off at Pepsi for the Dr. Slice thing. They came out with this great product called Dr. Slice which was like a cherry Dr. Pepper (not to revert back to an old argument, if you prefer you can think of it as a cherrier Dr. Pepper). At the same time they came out with the most attrocious tasting product ever called Blue Pepsi. They advertised Blue Pepsi up the |you know what| and Dr. Slice they didn't even whisper about. Well Dr. Slice is no longer available as far as I can tell, and Blue Pepsi shouldn't be available considering how much it sux.

    So I have a really hilarious story to tell you all. We were in Coos Bay, OR like last week sometime. It was beautiful by the way. And we were staying at this totally sweet house with an engilsh style pub inside, a huge deck fenced off by gigantore laurel bushes, a giant fish tank with anemenies and cool stuff, and a sheep dog that was the size of a small pony (okay maybe not quite that big but meh). Anyway, because the people were so cool and the place was so nice they decided to invite the team over to watch some of their Wallace and Grommet episodes. So we finish the last episode and turn off the vcr. The tv is still on though and it is tuned to the mini-series Henry the Eighth on PBS. My host dad Denny leaves the room for a moment and all of us teamers ended up in some fun little tickle/wrestling fest. Denny comes back in and he's gonna ask us a question so we all stop our tickle fighting to listen to him ask, "Does anyone want a drink." I immediately say, "No." But others weren't as quick to respond so in the silence that follows any question, that silence between question and response, we hear this low grunting noise coming from the TV and it's building in intensity. We look at the TV and Henry VII is totally getting a girl doggy style. They showed her bent over something and then his upper body, and there was the grunting. OMG I couldn't believe it. I turned to natalija and I said, "awkward." And then I started laughing and got up and as I was walking out of the room I was like, "Yeah, I think could use a drink, sure." It was the hardest I have laughed so far on team. Denny didn't say anything. I don't think he was comfortable with us yet. He strikes me as the kind of guy who wouldn't feel embarassed about making such a comment though. After two days with this family Denny started wearing his vest with the "Next to Sex Oregon is Best" patch on it. He was funny.

    On a more serious note. God has been doing awesome things through prayer lately in my life. I don't know about you all but I always struggle with why pray if God knows what is best for us and is working for those who believe in Him. But yet the Bible tells us to pray. God's been teaching me that he works through prayer lately. It's been rad. Also my team played at this cool inner city church yesterday. We played for K-5th graders. They were awesome. I don't know how telling you about what God is doing in my life got a measily 50 words while the doggy-style story got like 100, but what are you gonna do. I'll probably post more about the ministry on the other site that I'm maintaining this year

    I'm gonna put some new pictures up so check em out. And remember they are probably 2 weeks or more old. I've thought about just skipping a bunch but, meh. Maybe soon I'll do that.

    In Christ,

    "A naked blond walks into a bar, with
    a poodle under one arm and a two
    foot salami under the other. She
    lays the poodle on the table. Bar-
    tender says: "I suppose you won't
    be needing a drink." The naked
    lady says..."

  • Friday, November 05, 2004

    Oregon Trail

    We are in Oregon still, but we're really close to the coast. You guys it is so beautious. It's pretty mountainous right up to the ocean and they have huge sand dunes! I'm hoping to find a trail to hike on my day off.

    So just a couple quick things:
    #1) Still waiting for more comments on blog name change
    #2) The word animato is an adv. & adj. that means animated. So go and do something animato today.
    #3) My friend emily informs me that 100 people die a year from ballpoint pens. If you have ideas on the manner in which someone can be killed by a ballpoint pen I'd like to hear them. Here are the ones I came up with:
  • Stabbed by a teacher, contractor, nerd anyone who would carry a pen (my teammate deron)
  • Choking on it while trying to be like those sword swallowing dudes
  • Licking it and dieing from "bad ink", a kin to "bad glue" on some envelopes (dja catch it?)

    That's all I got.
    i miss you all,
    in Christ,

    p.s. Bro they wouldn't sell the game. Also I need to post the link my bro put in his comment. If you haven't seen it you should. racecar insanity test

  • Monday, November 01, 2004

    Bible Adventures

    Dangit this is why I need to do as Dan Magers suggested. I just thought of a couple of stories that I didn't tell you guys that are semi-interesting while I was looking at some of the pictures I'm posting.

    This picture

    is just minutes before I got totally yelled at by Buffalo Bill Historical Center Security. They had these awesome walls to their complex and I turned to my teammate Sarah and said, "those would be totally cool to climb" and she was like, "do it" and I was all, "I could get in trouble" and she was all, "na, I don't think so, I don't think they really care about that kinda stuff." 10min later I was down climbing with an angry security chick staring me down, which really made the situation way more dangerous since my downlclimb was done under such pressure I had a hard time concentrating on foot holds. Then I started to walk away and we saw ALL the cameras in the complex follow my movements LOL, it was funny/odd. Then another security officer came out and took down all my info and said he might press charges. I said, "what was I doing that was illegal?" He mumbled something about "criminal misconduct." He barely even cared about getting my info correct, he was just employing some scare tactics in my opinion and so far my parents haven't recieved any tickets/fines in the mail.

    secondly I need to note that the pictures I post are not even close to in chronilogical order. Some that you see now may be before the ones I posted previously.

    While I was in seattle recently I came across a game I had only read about in EGM. Bible Adventures:
    . It was so fantastic. There are three different game types you can play. David and Goliath, Noah and the Ark, or Baby Moses. They are all equally lame. Read the article to hear more, and if you check out my pictures you will see more screen shots of the game. Good stuff. The youth house also had classic records that we listened to like Framptom Comes Alive. Choice. Okay I'm done

    in Christ,

    Feast your eyes on this tender morsel

    I totally forgot to post this important link:

    in Christ,

    We came, we saw, we conquered

    So I won't normally do this, but I'm gonna cut and paste the post that I posted on because it's just a good general update. So here it is:

    I've had a great past few days. My team went to Mt. St. Helens on Thursday and it was so gorgeous. It was like looking into a dream (cheesy but seriously). I mean it didn't even look real. The enormity of the valley preceeding the actual Mt. made the entire thing look like a really good blue screen effect from a movie. It didn't look real at all. I will post pictures soon. Plus, I had an awesome discussion with one of my teammates Maria about the topic "To what extent is God involved in the world." Meaning the ancient freewill v. God's plan argument. It was cool because I think I have some pretty radical theology sometimes and none of it has really come out on team thus far. She got to get a taste of it and was totally receptive. It was cool.

    On that note it's been cool to see how God is growing myself and the team. Conflicts have come and gone and will come again, but we have been gaining understanding of each other's perspectives which makes the sting of such conflicts greatly lessened.We're staying in a Youth House right now just south of Portland, Oregon. The people have been so gracious. We thought we might have to use YE funds to get food while we are here since we aren't staying in actual host homes. The pasor mentioned something at the service and we've gotten non-stop food delivery since :). We have too much now. And we had an amazing dinner with a family that invited us over the other night. We sang worship with them, chatted, and ate. It was just really awesome fellowship.

    So now for some more fun stuff. I want to say to Dan Magers, that is a fricking good idea and I feel lame for not even considering that up to this point. I don't know how disciplined I am for that, but I'm going to try what you suggested. That will also give you guys more lame day-to-day life type blogs to read though. I'll try and keep them spicy hot. I'll just lie a lot.

    But for cereal, this is a true story. We were able to meet up with another YE team on Monday of last week. We went and saw their program and even helped out a bit with it. The following day we just hung out with them. We went to this mall (I can't recall where this was anymore) where we got asked to participate in a movie preview study. We were so pumped. I mean, I love movies, and seeing new movie trailers before they are in the theatres was semi-appealing, plus they were gonna give us $2. So I was thinking, "shit yeah." (pardon the french). So we all kinda went in seperately even though we ended up in the same room, and a different person was in charge of us. My guy was new, it was his first day. And all he did was ask me some really general questions about my likes and dislikes. We talked about what I was doing for the year, being on team and all which he really thought that was cool, we talked about how his girlfriend was pregnant and he wants to go into marketing for a living etc. We just sat and talked while he typed what seemed like pages of response to questions he wasn't even asking me. At one point he goes, "I could just tell how you'd respond to some of these based on our interaction thus far." WHAT, lol. I answered like 4 questions total for him, he filled out an entire quesitonaire for me and he never even showed me the trailer I was supposed to comment on. But hey, I got my two bucks. It really made me think more about statistics. I mean it only has to look good on paper for the company to seem legit. So that was kinda interesting.

    Shawn, I don't know how comfortable I'd be with just calling andrew up. I mean, I more hung out with him in the context of my relationship with you guys. Anyway, I'm far from seattle now. But thanks for mentioning it. Dood, your comment just reminded me that I need to check our roommate blog.

    Wow, the backlash for my blog being fricking instead of friggin have been overwhelming. (BTW Shannon, I'm totally on board with the editing of posts things, it's just the complication of changing the web address the site is published to that I have issues with). So I will put it to a vote. If you have an opinion please let me know:
    option #1: "ifriggingraduated"
    option #2: "ifrickingraduated"
    option #3: stay as is

    The only thing that bothers me about changing the name is that I've given this one out in some of my sponsorship letters. Ah, I'll just have a redirection post on here or something lol.

    I suppose this post is long enough for now. I've changed the pictures as per-norm.

    i love you all,
    in Christ,