Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Seattle Cafe...Yeah

You guys would not fricking believe how much time it takes to keep up with all that is happening on the internet. I'm overwhelmed. I had like 4hrs on the internet today and I'm still scrambling right now to get this post up. I had to check email accounts and of course chat with people IMing me as I did so. I had to check goodgame (a blog). And now I'm here and I have like 15min.

I'm in Seattle, WA at a coffee shop. I'm about to go to a rad music store. I'm still having a blast. I missed seeing a Bright Eyes show on monday in Seattle by about 4 people. It became sold out right before my bright eyes. I was so bummed. Damn, I'm funny.

Anyways. Teamlife is interesting. I definitely notice people on our team getting edging. I find it all so fascinating and dumb at the same time. I mean, people on my team get pissed if we are told two different things about like, "when we are setting up." And I mean really mad, not just slightly frustrated. And like people are dying in other countries yo. It's not that big of deal. I just don't see the point in getting pissed at things completely out of our control. Granted, we all get frustrated, but seriously. Possibly more about team life in a later post.

I love what I am doing. I go back and forth on it at times. Because it's hard finding out things about all my friends and family in peice mail as well as repeating myself to them because I forget what they know. That life has just stopped in my mind. I'm in like an alt. univ. or something. Maybe I'm in the Magnaverse (anyone catch that one?).

I got two cool CDs yesterday. Jen Wood, and Azure Ray. I liked them both a lot. I highly recommend them to you.

Check out the new pictures. Hopefully I can think of more to type later. Funny stuff that's been going down. This blog is going to get boring to read if I don't find time soon to actually think about cool things I've experienced.

in Christ,

p.s. Jenny my address is:
Jason Gorski, New Vision
c/o Youth Encounter
3490 Lexington Ave. N.
Shoreview, MN 55126

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Suckidy Suck Suck

I posted some more pictures. Check them.

I had a great time reading all your Dr. Pepper comments. I should pose more questions like that. And every single one of your comments deserves some retort or praise from me depending. But it's 12:00am my time and I get up in 6hrs after a long, long, long day. And I'm way tired. So I will get to posting something substantial later this week. But I thought you could all check out the new pics. I'm gonna be cycling these pics out pretty quickly because I have tons more, but not before going into some stories about them for you.

So suckidy suck suck, I can really leave a good post tonight. Peace my homies.

in Christ,

p.s. Mail rocks, thanks peps have been all up ons with that.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Dr. Pepper does not taste like cherry

Okay please guys...please. I want responses. Does Dr. Pepper taste Cherry-ish? I want an informal poll. I'm outright against such a catergorization of the beautious Dr., but I have teammates who insist it is a "cherry"- type soda. My arguments are two fold. It does not say cherry on the ingredients list (granted this is a relatively weak argument since ingredient lists are prietary). But a much better argument is that Dr. Pepper came out with Dr. Pepper Red Fusion which is a "burst of cherry flavor." My antagonists believe this is like saying an "extra burst of cherry" or "more cherry than before." Give me your opinions.

We are in Casper, WY. Pretty cool town. I'm on dial-up modem right now and have been on for almost two hours doing things I need to do as well as social communication such as this blog. I'm totally having a rocking time guys. We are getting into the swing of things and it really is a fantastic thing to be doing for a year. I'm meeting a lot of cool people in the towns we go to. I met a family that won a trip to New Zealand to see the sets that are left from LOTR!!! I saw pictures of the hobbit holes that were left and things. They also went to a national park where much of rivendale was shot! totally sweet.

I bought eternal sunshine, enough said.

Jill thx for the comments about me being hot. Shannon, I totally need to give you a call but my cell phone has not had service for awhile now. I'm getting it checked out today at the mall.

We went to Village Inn last night, just the guys from my team. It was so glorious to be ordering a Pecan Roll French Toast Combo with scrambled eggs with cheese on top and bacon strips. For those of you who don't know VI was my place in college. Yes, mine. Like the show Cheers and stuff for me.

We went through South Dakota over the past week. Stopping and playing various places. I got to see the Badlands again, and I saw Wall Drug which I hadn't seen before. It was cool. And I have many pictures that I will try and post sometime this week.

My team is totally losening up. The rigidness of a new Christian-charged environment where everyone is walking on egg shells trying not to offend each other is finally beginning to wear off as we all know each other's joking boundries better etc. We are finding our common ground very well I feel. There are some members of my team I can see myself getting thoroughly annoyed with down the road but, meh.

I miss a lot of things right now. I couldn't see my bro play his show, I couldn't see Julie crowned homecoming queen, I can't believe I'm missing Jenny in rockford with Noah, I'm going to miss door county sooooo much, I miss the apple orchard with all yall. 2 weeks at Christmas, especially in leui (spelling?) of all I have to do in that time (packing for Australia, studying and taking my GREs, grad school aps), is not nearly enough time. Ah well.

So we have a huge empty gap in our bookings right now. Do any of you know people who live in the North West who would want a Youth Encounter team to play at their church or at least stay at their house? I thought about Kerstin but she's in Europe right?

I know this wasn't much of an update, but I gotta go.
in Christ,