Monday, June 20, 2005


Okay the title of this post is the punch line to a really bad engrish joke (i.e. rincoln continental). That might be over some peoples heads but whatevs.

About the title of my last post I'm touched that you all thought about it etc. But I feel that I have misled you. My question was not where was the origin of the quote, but when was it that I first heard it. Now, granted there is a high likelihood that these two events would be the same, but in this case they are not. It was more of a "how well do you listen to my random comments" question. I didn't expect anyone to get it being that I only mentioned like once or twice that Mr. Reed (Heather Reed's dad) said this to me immediately following Spoonful's first waterfront performance. So there you have it. Your comments are awesome though because now I have a better idea of maybe where he got it from.

So the title surplies brings me to my main story that I'm posting about.
I completely forgot to mention this in my last post although it happened that week we were at Glendive doing VBS.

Sarah's laptop had given the team trouble while I was home for my sister's graduation. As they watched the entire LOTR trilogy (extended of course) they found that sarah's DvD player on her laptop would pause the movie every 2min 5sec. Wow, that would suck. So they asked me one night if I could come over and look at it because they really wanted to watch a movie that night. I was totally clueless you guys, when I opened the door I heard the standard "Surprise!" followed by Happy Birthday sung in perfect 4 part harmony. Okay all but the harmony part. I thought I was in the clear being that my b-day was like a week prior, but nooooo. It was really nice. We did what I wanted. So, after opening my presents (a mermaid that grows about 600% in water, a sign that says something like "for every possible argument there is an equal and oppisite one", some spray foam, a t-shirt that says "I'm right you're wrong, any questions?", and a nurf gun) we played charades and then sang karaoke from the wedding singer DvD. We had loads of fun and discovered a couple teammembers had some superb karaoke talent and zeal. Some of my teammates were so pumped they want to have karaoke be our next team outting.

So that's that.

I got to go paintballing yesterday...that is note-worthy. I got two kills and got killed twice. Good stuff though. I'm so tired today.

in Christ,

Name This Movie Quote: "Never rub another man's rhubarb."

Monday, June 13, 2005

I laughed I cried it was better than Cats

Does anyone know where I first heard that phrase? I would be so impressed. As I titled this post I thought to myself, "Have I used this title for a post already?" If I have...lo ciento.

I had such a great time this past weekend at the wedding, but let me back up because this post has been a long time coming. (backing up).

I've had a really cool week at VBS here in Glendive, MT. Doing VBS is very different than our normal team crap. We are in one place for just over a week. And the people here in Glendive are pretty rocking. VBS, so far, seem to be a bit more laid back because we don't have to worry about tearing down & setting up a bunch, meeting new people every 5 seconds, etc. This doesn't mean we are doing less work. No no no, but it feels like less because we don't have the added social strains of grinning and bearing through yet another introduction to a person who is expecting you to be chipper because you are a Christian. I make it sound's not like that. It's just you want to put your best foot forward when you meet new people and sometimes that best foot gets so damn tired of going first all the time it hooks itself right onto your other foot in order to trip you up. Anyways, I digress...I'm really enjoying VBS so far. I get to play drums and bass on a couple of songs (because they are so maddeningly simple and cheesy that we go to extra lengths to keep ourselves engaged), the kids are cool and it is really funny to be a part of getting them excited for the week, & the food is good :). Glendive is such a small town that the businesses around here, including the franchises, have agreed to pay for our meal one day of the week. Isn't that rad? Subway, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Dairy Queen, and the Beer Jug.

So basically my job at VBS was to be the floater. I walked around taking pictures and helping out where I was needed. This may be why I liked it so much. I especially enjoyed the 6th graders. I think I'm really good with that age group.

Okay, now we can move onto the weekend. I had such a good time at Marcus & Holly's wedding. Congrats again you two! The ceremony was great. It had all the essentials without the fluff as somebody put it this weekend. I was sooooo nervous about my speech though I have to say. I got some compliments so it seemed to have gone well. And then the dancing was awesome. I like to cut up a rug or two. And just being there with everyone, including my family, was really nice. The karoake was enjoyable too although not to many people hung around for it. I think it should have begun sooner in the night. We did get to rock it out friday night at JMK though so that was good. I witnesses Drew & Marcus doing Strokin' as a duet. I was very conflicted about it. A part of me just wanted to scream out that, "this isn't right" but it was well done so I gotta give them that. I totally wasn't expecting Drew to hop of there with Marcus. Hell, Marcus didn't even ask him to, but Drew's domineering nature is always amplified when he is drunk (sorry dood, it's the truth). It was funny though, as I said, and I think everyone had a good time. And freaking A I saw tons of old Lutheranites this weekend. Cassie Morse, Kristine Wright, Becky Wallace, and Jenny Ross were all at JMK and Blake Holder and Jon Bleed were at Giovonis. Not much to say about it...other than it happened and it was fine and cool and all that.

Then Aaron's after party was the perfect weekend cap. I was finally feeling fully adjusted to my friends (as it always takes me awhile these days) and there were some quality people hanging out at Aaron's who I hadn't gotten to catch up with at all in a long time. I guess I don't feel like naming all of them. But like freakin Hannah was there and I never see her. And Mike Pape told a story which is always good.

And finally chilling at Marcus' Sunday night with Dan the McManny, Brian, Marcus & Holly, and Emily was the final nail in the coffin for making me be like "aw I don't wanna go back." I didn't feel it in any sorta serious way...just in the way hanging out with people you've known forever can do to ya. I love you guys.

There you have it.
in Christ,