Sunday, April 17, 2005

Updated pics

Just a quick blog to tell you that I have added yet even more pickies from Australia.

Some outback shots, some aboriginal art shots, a shot of some graffatti that I find hilarious as I'm sure you will (story later), some aboriginal school shots, some touristy shots, some witchity grub shots, some funny day off pool shots, a shot by jay creek (story later), and a shot of my toe after the fricking trailer dropped on it. It could have been so bad you guys. Our trailer ways a ton (US or European ton?) and we lifted it off the hitch and tried to put rest it on a log but it was so heavy that Corey and I dropped it the moment we got it off the hitch...right on my toe. Luckily the edge of the support beam landed between my big toe and middle toe thus the impact of the weight wasn't on a toe. And I was standing on sand which also helped. It could have easily been a majorly smashed/broken toe if it had fallen even a cm in a different direction...crazy.

ta ta for now.

in Christ,


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